Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Casey Anthony

On Sunday an Orange County Sheriff announced that they have missed an piece of potential evidence that someone in her home used the internet Mozilla Firefox browser for “fool-proof” suffocation methods on the day the two-year-old, Caylee, was last alive.  The person who made the query misspelled suffocation, entering the term “fool-proof suffication” instead of “suffocation,” and subsequently clicked on an article relating to suicide, which discussed methods such as taking poison and putting a bag over one’s head.

Do you think that there should be a retrial to her case or the sheriff should have done their job better?http://www.knuj.net/2012/11/casey-anthony-case-pivotal-evidence-overlooked/


  1. I think that there should be a retrial to her case! for sure.... Sheriffs are humans, they do mistakes..

  2. I think they should've put an obviously guilty woman in jail in the first place. That piece of evidence probably wouldn't have made that big of a difference. There's no proof that she actually typed that in or researched it herself.

  3. To me it seems like they need better investigators. Seems like they keep discovering something they missed which is honestly scary. Those who are here to keep us safe are not doing their job as well as they should. I do agree with Kyle's statement above, they have not proof that she was the one who actually researched the material.

  4. I don't think they can retry her thanks to the double jeopardy law. I also agree with Kyle, this evidence doesn't seem like much but she seemed pretty guilty to me.

  5. I don't think the case can be redone because of double jeopardy. If anything, investigators can learn from this and be more diligent about looking through search engines in the future in hopes of catching someone they otherwise wouldnt have.
