Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Presidential Voting
by: Samuel Graham

Many of the electronic voting polls on the east coast are still not operational because of hurricane sandy. This has caused many places on the east coast to use older voting systems which in the past has caused some disagreement on how accurate the final results are. It seems like the last two elections there has been some problems with the election process and I felt pretty good about the electronic voting system they have in place this year but in those east coast wont be able to use these systems. Do you like the idea of using out of date voting systems or should they allow people on the east coast a few more days to vote?

All eyes turn to the swing states, including Ohio, where voters line up at the polls in Newark. (Matt Sullivan/Reuters)



  1. Only Congress has the ability to change voting dates. I feel like most of the states on the east coast are going to vote Democrat anyway, so it won't really matter. Florida would be the real swing state.

  2. I think using outdated technology for voting is going to cause an uproar of commotion once the final results are tallied. There will definitely be some people upset, and as for me I would not use outdated technology for voting and simply choose not to vote.

  3. It will be interesting to see how the storm affects the voting. I don't believe that it will turn into chaos. I think that each state will be very careful, especially with this election. Older systems should still work fine, but most likely, there will be stress and upheaval over this election- this just gives people an excuse to get upset.

  4. While this is an issue, I think the entire electoral college system is dangerous. I think there are a variety of issues to discuss regarding our voting system. As far as east coast voters go, I think they should wait to have the election so everyone has a fair opportunity to vote. If they do not have power, it is difficult to vote. Although, they tend to be more liberal up along the east coast so Rom and I aren't too bummed if they can't vote :)

  5. I think the congress is given a best way for them to vote, even it is a old system and caused some disagreement. Less they can vote instead just tell them who is the President.

  6. To me it is crazy how the whole U.S do not have the voting system. A country that are suppose to be the leader in the world have to use the most accurate systems on the most important issues which the election of the new president is.

  7. I think that the east coast should have been allowed a few more days to vote. I think that it would have made it fair to everyone to wait since they have been through such difficult times because of hurricane sandy.

  8. I don't think it really mattered as to whether or not they should use outdated voting technology. In all seriousness, I think our voting system is seriously flawed and does not provide a true view of the people's perspective. Often times, in the past the representative has voted different from the state citing that this is what is best for said state. Altogether though, I think that people will do what they want anyway. So if they put the candidate in office, that should be good enough for them to be ok with who their elected elected.
