Thursday, October 11, 2012

An Entrepreneur in the Mist of New Legislation

With the increase in mobile held use, The state of New York has passed legislation which bans the use of all cell phones and tablet use during the school hours of the public school system. The students can even bring them inside the buildings. Student's still rely on the technology after school for safety and communication purposes, so it is impractical to leave these devices at home. So where do they safely store them?

This sprung an entrepreneur to create Pure Loyalty. Pure Loyalty sets up specially designed buses in front of the schools, and for $1 a day a student can safely house their mobile device during the school hours. Once school is out the bus in waiting for the student to pick up the device.

It seems that now kids of all ages have their own cellphones and tablets. Do you see in the future more school systems banning the use of these technologies during school hours? What ways could the school systems that impose this rule effectively enforce it without the students needing to leave the phones at home?


  1. I think there should be times when kids aren't allowed to use these things, but there should start to be classes and teachings that involve this technology. Kids have to learn how to use this technology correctly.

  2. i dont think you can ever completely ban a cell phone or tablet. if more schools did this it would cause more problems than its worth. kids these days can multitask like champs, and having a cell phone or tablet with them in class dosnt make a huge difference. i still dont think kids that young should have cell phones, but they do, and its just crazy to try and tell people that they can either leave their phones at home or pay a dollar a day to keep it outside of school.

  3. My opinoin is what they use cell phone or tablet during the school time. If students diversion and learning decline, than, the school can use this reason for students only use their cell phones during the break time and in the designate location.

  4. I agree with Kyle, kids do need to know how to use this technology correctly to maximize the efficiency of the product knowledge. i also think they should have a check box at the beginning of class where students have to check their phones in and class will wont start until all phones have been checked in.

  5. I don't think you can ban a cell phone or a tablet either. It is completely ridiculous though to charge students 1 dollar to store their technology on a bus. I think that if they are not going to allow them to use them or let them in the school with it they should at least provide a service to protect their phones. I know when I was in high school there would be break in's in the parking lot so I would always take my phone in.
